Infectiology of Farm, Model and Wild Animals Facility
- Description
- Description
The PFIE produces and/or supplies animals and animal by-products (e.g. eggs, sera, etc.) of defined genetic status (breeds, lines) and known health status, with a view to carrying out experimental protocols in infectiology on most farm animals (cattle, sheep, goats, pigs, poultry, horses, etc.), laboratory animals (mice, rats, hamsters, rabbits, etc.) and certain species from wild fauna, both target species and model species.
The PFIE conducts research in the fields of animal health and veterinary public health, and participates in the study of emerging or re-emerging infectious diseases (zoonoses and/or vector-borne diseases, etc.), or even genuine health emergencies (tuberculosis, campylobacteriosis, hepatitis E, bluetongue, Schmallenberg disease, strongyloses, toxoplasmosis, cryptosporidiosis, etc.).
To do this, it has A1, A2 and A3 confined buildings, isolators, conventional buildings and meadows, as well as an A2/A3 confined environment imaging suite for in vivo exploration on the animal being studied, combined with an anaesthesia and surgery suite (CIMAC) and a veterinary haematology and biochemistry analysis suite.
Since 2018, the PFIE has been part of the EMERG'IN national distributed infrastructure.